BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//LoRa Alliance® - ECPv6.8.1//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:LoRa Alliance® X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for LoRa Alliance® REFRESH-INTERVAL;VALUE=DURATION:PT1H X-Robots-Tag:noindex X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Europe/Madrid BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:+0100 TZOFFSETTO:+0200 TZNAME:CEST DTSTART:20250330T010000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:+0200 TZOFFSETTO:+0100 TZNAME:CET DTSTART:20251026T010000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250513 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250516 DTSTAMP:20241120T194308 CREATED:20241120T232921Z LAST-MODIFIED:20241120T233401Z SUMMARY:IoT Solutions World Congress 2025 DESCRIPTION:LoRa Alliance Meets at IoT Solutions World Congress 2025 – \nwith a central LoRaWAN Pavilion & Marketplace and dedicated LoRaWAN Track of sessions on May 14!\n \nBringing together the global IoT and LoRaWAN communities from 13 – 15 May 2025 in Barcelona! \nLoRaWAN Pavilion & Marketplace Open to LoRa Alliance Members: \n\nJoin the leading 20 device manufacturers\, solution providers\, network operators\, system integrators\, and more in the largest dedicated LoRaWAN area on the congress exhibition floor! This opportunity is open to LoRa Alliance members only. Click here to learn more on the LoRa Alliance member portal.\nElevate your presence with more visibility and larger footprint! There are various sponsorship and marketplace participation opportunities available.\n\nLoRaWAN Track on the ISWC Agenda:  \n\nFull day of dedicated LoRaWAN sessions as part of the official Congress program on the Space & Connectivity stage! The call for speakers for LoRaWAN presentations is open to the public – see more information below!\n\nIoT Solutions World Congress attracts over 11\,000 attendees and IoT enthusiasts and this is your opportunity to showcase your LoRaWAN enabled products\, services\, devices\, demonstrations\, use cases\, and end-to-end solutions. \n  \nCALL FOR SPEAKERS OPEN THROUGH JANUARY 24\nEvent Date: May 14\, 2025 | Location: Barcelona\, Spain | Format: 1-day\, 1-track  \nWhat We’re Looking For \nWe are seeking presentations that dive deep into practical applications and measurable results\, emphasizing collaboration and real-world impact\, and enabled by LoRaWAN. Priority will be given to sessions featuring end-users sharing their deployment stories and tangible ROI. Speakers\, end users\, and customers are not required to be a LoRa Alliance member to present.  \nWe are seeking presentations in the following categories:  \n LoRaWAN Shaping Trending Technologies \n\nShare how LoRaWAN works in conjunction with emerging technologies like AI\, digital twins\, green tech\, space tech\, robotics\, biotechnology\, or any other trending technology. \n\n LoRaWAN Technical Features and Complementary Technologies \n\nDiscuss your success in implementing and deploying LoRaWAN using key features such as roaming\, relay\, multicast\, CSMA\, or QR code onboarding. \nExplain how you are helping customers integrate multiple technologies\, such as LoRaWAN and 5G\, LoRaWAN and RFID\, LoRaWAN over DLMS\, or any other multi-RAN use case. \n\n Impactful Case Studies: LoRaWAN for Planet & People \n\nHighlight ROI beyond financial gains\, including saving and protecting lives\, promoting sustainability\, conserving wildlife\, or addressing the effects of climate change. \nShare the positive ways your LoRaWAN devices are impacting the world around you. \n\nEnd-User Perspectives: LoRaWAN in Action \n\nBring a customer onstage to share their LoRaWAN journey directly. \nPresentations from end-users will be prioritized\, as we want to hear how they are leveraging LoRaWAN technology. \nDiscuss why end-users require certification. \n\n LoRaWAN Flexible Options with Global Operators \n\nIllustrate how LoRaWAN continues to provide the most flexible wireless LPWAN networking options globally\, with continued growth in public\, private\, community\, satellite\, and hybrid network options. \nOn the application\, you will be asked to select one of the categories listed above those best fits as the overarching theme of your submission.  \n\nSelection Criteria\nSubmissions will be evaluated based on:  \n\nEvidence of results and ROI from real-world deployments. \nPresentation of new ideas and LoRaWAN benefits. \nEmphasis on current deployments and market relevance. \nInclusion of end-users or neutral third parties (e.g. associations\, standards bodies\, government agencies) \nDemonstration of collaboration within the ecosystem. \n\nSpeakers\, end users\, and customers are not required to be a LoRa Alliance member to present.  \nBonus Considerations: \n\nLarge-scale deployments \nHigh-profile customers or VIP guest speakers \nSolutions using LoRaWAN Certified Devices \n  LoRa Alliance Event Sponsors  \nSessions that offer high-value learning opportunities \nEarly applications may receive priority \n\nImportant Details: \n\nLanguage: All presentations must be delivered in English. \nLocation: In-person attendance is required in Barcelona\, and a speaker pass for IoT Solutions World Congress will be given to selected speakers. \nCosts: Speakers are responsible for their own travel and accommodation expenses. \n\nDon’t miss this opportunity to be part of a pivotal event showcasing LoRaWAN’s transformative impact on the world.  \nApply through January 24\, 2025:\nSubmit your detailed application\, indicating the category that best fits your presentation. Let’s spotlight how LoRaWAN is driving innovation and making a positive difference in our world.  \nSubmission Form:   \nSubmission Deadline: January 24\, 2025  \n  URL: CATEGORIES:Conference,LoRaWAN Event ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR